Welcome to this Council of Scholars [CoS] Training & Accreditation Group Research Project

Participant information sheet and privacy notice
Title of project:  A retrospective, international examination of EMDR Therapy training implementation practice and outcome
You are being invited to take part in this research, however, before you decide to do so, it is important you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please read the following information carefully, and email the research team member Dr Derek Farrell - d.farrell@worc.ac.uk  

If there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.  If you do decide to take part you may keep a copy of this information sheet, and you should indicate your agreement via the online consent form. You can still withdraw at any time by simply closing your browser and thus not submitting the survey, and without providing a reason.    
Research objective/purpose and aims
The overall objective is that the knowledge gained from this research aims to be used to improve EMDR Therapy training and accreditation standards worldwide.
The primary aim is to examine at an international level what EMDR therapy training practices optimise training outcomes, such as the transferability of knowledge; initial and uptake, sustained use of EMDR as a framework, protocol, and/or technique; ongoing learning and development of EMDR Therapy knowledge and skill; and progress in EMDR credentialing.
The secondary aims of the study are to explore what elements of EMDR training models and curriculum, and what characteristics of the trainees and trainers, are associated with training outcomes including initial use, sustained use, the continuing development of EMDR therapy knowledge and skill, and progress in EMDR credentialing. Also, similarities and differences in EMDR Therapy training outcomes when EMDR training programs have been delivered by various national, regional, governmental, or non-accredited training programs will also be explored.
Why you are invited and what the study will involve
As an EMDR therapist, you are invited to participate in this research study using a Survey Monkey Questionnaire.  It is estimated that this will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

We are intending to recruit a minimum of 470 EMDR therapists internationally.
What will happen to the information provided: Confidentiality and dissemination
 All the information that we collect about you during the research will be kept strictly confidential. You, or your institution, will not be able to be identified or identifiable in any reports or publications. Any data collected about you in the online questionnaire will be stored online in a form protected by passwords and other relevant security processes and technologies. Research data will be stored for 5 years after the research is completed and the study is closed with the ethical review board. 
As the data provided is anonymous there is no way for the research team to identify any particular research participant or the responses given.  Therefore, if for any reason you decide to withdraw from the study after submitting the survey, it would be impossible to remove the data you have already provided.  However, if you have any concerns about this then please contact the Principal Investigator:  Dr Derek Farrell MBE – d.farrell@worc.ac.uk

Question Title

* 1. I consent to participate in the TAG research project entitled: A retrospective, international examination of EMDR Therapy training implementation practice and outcome